The Greatest Journey

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 27, 2006


We are so blessed to have such wonderful Friends and Family. I know I have said it before, but I have to say it again after this last weekend. It was filled with fun times! It started on Thursday night when we got to see an old friend that was in town from Chicago. We went out to dinner with Jon (Boston) and The Geese (Justin, Brandy, and Madison) at Jackson's all American Grill. It was a blast to catch up with them and watch some March Madness! Madison turned one year old this month and is growing up sooo fast! Happy Birthday sweetie! We also saw Ryan Countryman and his little girl Eva(she is 2 months old)! Katie Countryman(The Mommy) was at work, but we got to see her a little on Friday night at the Starfuzz gig! She looks wonderful! Motherhood really agrees with her.
Eva Jane Coutryman at left!

We then got a visit from 2 of the 3 Goodworths on Friday. Anna and Lucas stopped over and saw Jeremy and I for awhile. What an active little boy, Lucas turned one year old as well this month! Wow! Time really flies.

On Saturday we helped Grant and Jennifer move into their house in Denver! I am so glad that you guys are up here! We hope to see you more often! We also hope that settling in goes well! We also got to see Ed and Donna (Mom & Dad Davis) on Saturday! They were helping with the moving process too.

Saturday night we picked Jenny up at the Airport! We are glad that she is home safe! She had a good vacation in California visiting her friends!
Sunday we were able to see Mom and Dad Horner at Outdoor World. They had to drop off a friend at the Airport and so they stayed and had dinner with us(Jeremy, myself, and Trishy)! We had a good time!
Lucas Goodworth is pictured Above

Mom and Dad Horner plan to sell their house this summer and buy a motorhome. This will be a hard adjustment not to have a place to stay with them. My hope though is that we will have a place for their motorhome and they can come visit us anytime they want! Pray that our condo sells soon!!

We are still coping with the loss of our pregnancy, but as each day passes it gets a little easier to look to the future and hope for the next pregnancy to go well!

I think that catches you up with us! Hope this finds you all doing well!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Jeremy and I had a very nice time sailing in the Virgin Islands this last weekend. The Angel in Paradise was a nice boat to be on and to sail. It was nice to get away and also to get to spend some time with my Dad, step-mom, little sis and Andrea(my little sister's friend). It went by way to fast, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I was glad for the relaxation and the time to regroup and figure out where we go from here.

Jeremy has a closing on March 16th and is continuing to do very well with the Real Estate business. If anyone needs a good Real Estate agent, he will work very hard to get you into a great place for a great price! :)

We are hoping to sell our condo soon and move into a house. I think that Dixie would have fun in a yard and our cars would be better stored in a garage.

Anyway here are a few pics of the trip!

Monday, March 06, 2006

2-Week Check-up

We went to the doctor's today for our 2-Week Check-up. They said that everything seems to have gone pretty well.

It wasn't a Molar pregnancy! That is a good thing, for those of you that don't know Medical jargon (like me). It was tissue that didn't form correctly. If we hadn't found this so soon then I probably would have misscarried. This also means that they do NOT have to monitor me for the next 6 Months to a year. We will be able to try again in a few months! They also said that my chances of misscarriage in the future was low. They don't worry too much about 1 misscarriage because it is so common. It is a difficult thing to go through, but I have lots of support and people that know exactly how I feel.

Keep us in your prayers. I can't tell you what they mean to us!

We will be going on a short vacation the end of this week. Hope all is well with everyone!

We love you!

I added an old picture, but at least it is something for people to look at and see how cute of a couple we are!!