Few Things happening in my life
Life is always full of surprises! Some are good ones and some are not so good. I have been praying and pondering over what our next few months will look like and what next year will look like. It would just be so much easier if I had a crystal ball, but no such luck.
Before I update you on my family and all the happenings with us, I would like to tell you about a family that I hold near and dear to my heart. First, I will start with the Mom (Melissa). She is a very genuine person and very sweet, but has been dealt a bad hand in life. She has three sweet children that she takes good care of and loves dearly. She struggles with an anxiety disorder that makes it difficult for her to do a lot of things in life. She would really like to become self sufficient, but needs some help doing so. I have been trying to help her as much as I can, but as you can imagine it isn't enough. She is really in need of a vehicle to get her from point A to point B on a daily basis. She is also in need of some employment and daycare. All of these things are needed, but she really doesn't have any money to put towards them. I have helped her look into CCAP and other foundations that might be able to help, but there is a lot of red tape when it comes to getting help from these places. Any suggestions or help of any kind would really be appreciated. Alexus is 11 years old and in 6th grade, Ileana is 6 years old and started Kindergarten this year, and Alexander is 15 months old.
As many of you know, I work for a Non-profit foundation that helps at-risk youth in denver graduate high school and go to college. They are doing a couple fundraisers that I wanted you all to know about. The 1st is Mustache4Cash & Color4Kidz. I have streaked my hair burgandy to raise money. Please go to www.Mustache4cash.org to donate under my name or under Byrne Urban Scholars! The other fundraiser they are doing is a Silent Auction and Dinner at the Ritz Carlton. If any of you can donate something to go to the silent auction, it would be greatly appreciated.
Jeremy and the rest of our family is still grieving the loss of his Dad! It is a very tough thing to cope with. He has left us to be with Jesus, but we are left with a big hole in our hearts. Jeremy is busy with business, which is always a good thing. He loves referrals though, so let us know if we can provide you with any of your insurance needs! He is training in Kansas City for the next few days, so the girls and I are on our own. We miss him already!!
Kyla is really growing up to be a sweet girl. She is very emotional and it can be sweet and tough at the same time. She is FINALLY potty trained after my many attempts. It is great to only have one in diapers. Kyla is continuing to learn alot and is very smart. We are surprised on a daily basis just how much of an imagination she has. She is a great big sister and loves to play with Kennedy and give hugs. It is just so precious to see the sisterly love!!
Kennedy is almost 2 and you can sure tell. She can throw some fits just like the best of em, but she is also very loving. She is a little more of a quiet soul, but she loves to laugh!! She is a little cuddle bug and is going to be such a light in this world.
I am continuing to grow closer to God during our good times and our hard times as well. I will be putting some pictures up on the blog as soon as I can find the cord to my camera!! Love to all your families and may God Bless!!
At 7:07 AM,
Goodworth Family said…
LOVE LOVE reading about your family and you heart Jill! I didn't know you had a blog. Thank you for sharing. I will continue checking it! Proud to know you!
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