My New Promise

Since I last update my blog we had another baby girl that we named Kennedy. She was born November 20th 2008 and will turn two this fall. Wow!! How time flies by!
We have struggled over the question of should we have any more children. Is our family complete? We know God has a plan for us and we are doing our best to understand it.
Jeremy is gearing up this fall to save as many households money as he possibly can. Five Rings Financial is growing by leaps and bounds and has added multiple new insurance products to help serve their clients. He is really excited about what the future at Five Rings Financial means for him.
I have been working part-time doing accounting for a family run business. They have a Non-Profit Program that helps teens graduate High School and go on to college. I absolutely love all of the people that I get to work with! That has been such a blessing!
Kyla is three years old and is becoming quite the little girl. She has a very big imagination and loves to pretend she is different animals and sometime certain princesses. It has been so fun to watch her grow and learn. She says the funniest stuff. I started to write down some of it, but other times just enjoy talking with her and pretending with her.
Kennedy is starting to talk. Mostly one word sentences, but she can sometimes put a few words together. She is a little cuddle bug. She is very good at giving
people hugs and kisses. She enjoys playing with her big sister and has no fear. She wants to play with the big kids!
We are so very proud of our little girls. They are really caring and sweet.
We continue to miss Ed (Jeremy's Dad) since he went to be with our savior. There sure is a huge hole in our lives without him. We continue to heal as time goes on, but probably won't ever be the same.
Please pray that God will bless our family this fall and that he will be proud of our work here on earth.
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