
Jeremy and I had a very nice time sailing in the Virgin Islands this last weekend. The Angel in Paradise was a nice boat to be on and to sail. It was nice to get away and also to get to spend some time with my Dad, step-mom, little sis and Andrea(my little sister's friend). It went by way to fast, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I was glad for the relaxation and the time to regroup and figure out where we go from here.

Jeremy has a closing on March 16th and is continuing to do very well with the Real Estate business. If anyone needs a good Real Estate agent, he will work very hard to get you into a great place for a great price! :)
We are hoping to sell our condo soon and move into a house. I think that Dixie would have fun in a yard and our cars would be better stored in a garage.
Anyway here are a few pics of the trip!
At 3:50 PM,
Jennifer said…
It looks like a great trip Jill! I hope you were able to clear your head and come back a little revived. =)
At 8:21 AM,
Sarah said…
Looks like a dream Jill! I can't wait to go on a tropical vacation again, maybe after this baby is around one. You both look like you were having so much fun and I agree with Jen, I hope this was a time of refreshing for you both and a time of renewed hope for what the future holds.
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