Vacation to Cali & Vegas

We just got back from a trip to California for a Wedding and Las Vegas just for fun! It was a blast and great to get away for awhile! We first went to Luke and Lisa Spence's wedding which was a very beautiful wedding! Congratulations! Thank you for inviting us, we had a wonderful time.
While we were in California we went to the Monterey Aquarium. That we super neat. We saw otters, little sharks, tuna, jellyfish, and many more under the water creatures. They were really neat and we got quite a few good pictures, but I will only post the really cool ones to give you an idea how awesome it was.

It was also really good to see our friends Adam and Anna from Portland.

After California, it was off to Las Vegas. We always enjoy everything that there is to see in Vegas. The food was wonderful, the shows were great and the company was very enjoyable. Jeremy and I were on our own this time in Vegas. In the past when we went to Vegas we were with a couple of our friends, Jon and Jenny, but they weren't able to come this time. Although it wasn't the same without Jon and Jenny, we were able to have a blast together! We saw a few of the new Casinos including the Wynn hotel which was magnificent, but I felt a little out of place there. It was very high class. We also saw the new Hard Rock Casino, that was really awesome as well. The shows we saw were really good. Here are a couple pictures with some impersonaters from one of the shows.

The left impersonater with Jeremy is of course supposed to be Elvis! The impersonaters with me on the right is supposed to be Cristina Agulara and Britney Spears. It was fun to see them perform. This show was at the Stratosphere which we were able to go to the very top (level 109) and see the entire strip. It was awesome!
It was pretty hot in Vegas, but it didn't take away from the vacation at all!
Well, I hope I didn't miss out on too much here in Colorado. Hope this finds all of you doing well!