Busy as a Bee
There has been so many people's support and love that I appreciate. I want to take this time to point our one of the best friends that a woman could ask for. Jennifer Glover has been there for me since we were in Jr. High and has not ever let distance stop us from being great friends and confidants. She is without a doubt one of the most compassionate and loving women that I know. I want to thank her for being a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with and also someone I can just shoot the breeze with! I just love that I can talk about anything with her. She is truly a gift from God to all that are in her life. Thanks Jenn!! I love you!
I wish everyone well in there summer plans and there endevors that they embark on the rest of this year.
At 7:24 PM,
Sarah said…
Amen to your praise of Jennifer! She is such a blessing isn't she! I'm so glad you're having a good summer and I hope to connect with you soon when we move to Colorado.
Love, Sarah
At 10:25 AM,
Jennifer said…
Jill, wow, that was totally unexpected and I'm truly thankful for your friendship as well. I feel so blessed that we've been able to go through so many of life's journeys together and I look forward to seeing where God is going to bring us next. I love you!
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have great friends BECAUSE you are a wonderful person! I'm so blessed to have you in my family and even more blessed that you are my friend. Thanks for blogging :). John really wants me to start doing this. Maybe after nursing boards. I really should be studying more :). I hope I pass. 3 more days to go!
Love you!
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