The happy little girl!
I don't know where to start because I still haven't been finding the time to post my thoughts. I guess I will start from the beginning. Last April Jeremy and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Kyla Jean has been the light of our lives. She is such a happy baby; it makes it really easy to be a stay at home mom!
When Kyla was 7 weeks old I had to go back to work. It was a very hard process to say see you later to my little baby after growing so attached. I worked as hard as I could to get back into the swing of things at the office, but it just wasn't fitting like it use to. I worked for about 4 months and decided that it wasn't going to work. My family needed me at home. It has been such a blessing to be at home.
It has also been an identity crisis at times because I have worked since I was 15 years old. I know this is the best thing for my daughter, but sometimes I have a hard time knowing what I should be doing. Now my little girl is almost 1 year old and it seems like time couldn't have gone faster. I have been thinking on what type of birthday party I want to have for her. Do I just invite family or make it a big ordeal. I know that it will be fun to watch her eat a piece of cake for the first time.
Jeremy is busy working anytime that he needs to and being there for his wife and daughter. He is a really great father and husband. I couldn't ask for anything more from him. That is the best thing is that I don't have to ask him for most things; he just knows most of the time what I need and want!
Kyla and I are finally finding a routine that works pretty well and we will shortly be adding some more activities to the daily routine. We are going to be having some swimming lessons in April and going on a lot of walks. We are also going to check out the local library and see if they have a reading time that we can become a part of. I think this will help not only Kyla but me as well. I have been struggling with some Winter depression and can't wait for spring weather to be a normal thing here in Colorado.