My next doctor appointment in on Monday the 6th. We will then know if everything looks okay and what our timeline looks like as far as how much monitoring I will need to make sure nothing goes wrong and if Jeremy and I have to wait to try again.
I pray that when the timing is right that my next pregnancy will be normal and that we don't have to go through this again. It has been a really tough road, but thanks to our family and friends we have been fighting through it.
I have been feeling really mad that it happend and feelings of how unfair it is. I know that it is immature, but I just don't understand why us.
Pray that I will feel peace about this soon and that it doesn't affect us in a negative way.
Thanks again for all the support.
I pray that when the timing is right that my next pregnancy will be normal and that we don't have to go through this again. It has been a really tough road, but thanks to our family and friends we have been fighting through it.
I have been feeling really mad that it happend and feelings of how unfair it is. I know that it is immature, but I just don't understand why us.
Pray that I will feel peace about this soon and that it doesn't affect us in a negative way.
Thanks again for all the support.
At 3:23 PM,
Jennifer said…
Its ok to be angry... I'm sure I would be too in your situation. But also know that God is with you; He's hurting right along with you and wants you to know He cares. He will bring you through this even stronger! I love you!
At 7:44 AM,
Sarah said…
Hi Jill,
I love how candid you have been about how you're feeling through all of this. Someone once told me that anger comes from hurt and frustration, and that makes perfect sense in your situation. You had emagined life growing inside you and you were falling in love with that life, and then it was taken away from you. Whether it was just tissue or an actual life, you lost a baby in your heart, and I can't think of any pain greater than losing a child. When I've asked "why me" in my life about certain things, I'm always struck with the thought, "why not?" It's probably the Holy Spirit reminding me that life on earth equals pain and that's allthemore reason to count the blessings God gives us when they come, even though we don't deserve them. I am so confident that you WILL be blessed with a healthy baby in the future, and just think how much more you will appreciate that blessing now that you have gone through this pain. Remember at the end of the day that God can handle whatever you're feeling. It's like when we yelled at our parents as teenagers and even though it hurt them, they knew that we still loved them, and most importantly, they kept on loving us. Jill, I'm here for you and I love you and I thank you for being so real and for letting us love on you through this journey, which still is the Greatest Journey as your blog title reads!
At 9:38 AM,
Jill Davis said…
Thanks Sarah! I really appreciate your encouragement! I think that as time goes by it is getting better. Thanks for your support and prayers. They mean the world.
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